Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Going against the grain

I've noticed recently that I am surrounded by people who think Andy and I are crazy. Apparently we do things "out of the norm" and "differently"...

Yes, Andy walks to work most days. He is saving gas, (which everyone is beginning to think it a good plan), and the tire on our truck is flat. But he's been walking to work for a while now... it's only two miles and he likes to walk. He's actually in pretty good shape now. (Maybe I should start walking to work... except I would always be late and very sweaty... 6 miles is a bit much for a morning walk.)

And no, we don't eat out often... actually it's a rare thing nowadays... we usually cook at home, and more often than not, we eat vegetarian meals... not because we have to, but because we like it and it's healthy. Are we strange? I don't think so. (Besides, meat is expensive. *smile*)

Also, when Andy and I have children, we will be cloth diapering our kids. I've heard so many negative responses to that fact. For example, "you'll change your mind when you have kids" or "why would you want to do that?!?!" or "it's too much work"... I even feel pressure from some of those around me to change my mind about this. Honestly, it only makes me want to do it more.

Just like when I have my kids (don't worry... I'm not preggo... I just like to plan ahead and be prepared)... I will want to go through natural labor... NO PAIN MEDS. Now, if anyone that actually reads this knows me, you know I am a wimp... and a whiny one at that. But I know it would be better for the baby and, in the end, that's all that really matters. I've actually been looking into water birth and am very excited about it. They say that the water can ease labor pains up to 75%!! That's enough to convince me. *smile* Besides, I love baths... so hopefully that will relax me. Heehee.

So, all that to say... yes, we are abnormal in some respects... I am 25 years old and I crochet. Am I a granny? No. Women used to learn to sew and crochet when they were children to prepare them for womanhood. Andy and I would like to learn how to garden and grow our own food. Are we nuts? No. We just like fresh veggies. Yes, we recycle and yes, I reuse ziplock baggies and save old jars... Andy loves to cook more than I do and yes, he does the dishes! Is there a problem with going against the grain and just being ourselves? Is it weird to be a little old fashioned and love the old hymns more than the new praise songs?

Maybe I'm just rambling now... Oh well, it's my blog and I can ramble if I want to.


Anonymous said...

Hey, we have a blog, too...and we picked the same template. Ours is

I know that you too are out of the norm. That's part of what makes you endearing to me and to each other!
-Rachel F.

Andy's Writery said...

Hey, the smart people out there are blogging with this. I need to reactivate. But, honestly..."normal" is actually pretty strange itself these days. I love my abnormal wife.