Monday, February 7, 2011

I feel like Hannah...

Last night, one of my precious friends announced her pregnancy. She hugged me and said "I was so nervous and unsure as to how to tell you"... I just smiled and told her that I was so happy for her.

I feel like Hannah (see story 1 Samuel). When she was barren and heartbroken, longing for a child, she received a promise from the Lord (through the priest Eli) that her prayers would be answered. Then she went away and was happy, even though she did not know when her miracle would come to fruition. That's where I am today.

Recently, I was spending some special time in prayer and the Lord led me to Hannah's story, and then to Psalm 20 and then to Matthew 7:7... touching my heart and answering my prayers in such a quiet peaceful way. I feel spiritually pregnant. I am just waiting for God's timing.

I talked to my mom and she was sent for some special blood tests today. Her doctor asked her "you have three daughters, right?" and she said "yes"... he then asked "have any of your daughters had miscarriages?" Apparently, there is some factor that they are looking for in her blood that is hereditary that causes miscarriages. And if that is the problem, it's a simple fix. Maybe this is my answer.


Tonya said...

*HUG* Still praying and believing for you. Keep us updated on the blood test results and if this is the answer.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

i just randomly found your blog. i had no idea things were this hard for you right now. will be praying for you. it's been a long time!

shontel said...

We will have the results on mom's blood tests in 2 weeks... so I'll let ya'll know.
And Heather... long time! Thanks for the prayers! Good to hear from you!