Sometimes I wonder why the Lord allows some of the struggles in my life. Why I have had to walk the difficult road of empty arms while my husband and I battle with infertility. But I have recently discovered something... and I may have my answer.
I LOVE babies.
Okay... that may not be an epiphany to most, but not only do I just love babies, I love pregnant women... I love hearing birth stories and am not offended or grossed out by any gory detail.
I have recently delved into the deep controversial world of homebirth and am facinated by it. I am enthralled with the beauty of the Lord's designs... the way he made women to give life to precious babies. The way he built us to carry and protect his new little creations for nine months and then gave us the ability to bring them into the world.
Granted, not all women are good candidates for homebirth. For example, any with high risk or complicated pregnancies... but those women are a minority. And most women nowadays would rather have the hospital experience and want to have easy access to pain medication. And there is
nothing wrong with that.
But after the difficulties I have had just in the hopes to be able to get pregnant, I have become passionate about being able to experience pregnancy and birth naturally. I want to be able to control the birth experience of my children without medical intervention (unless it is an emergency situation...)
Yes, this is a contraversial issue and I am not one to push my ideals or crazy notions onto those I love... but there is so much factual information out there to prove that homebirth is as safe as and sometimes safer than hospital birth. And most of the "horror stories" of birth that I have heard usually revolve around hospital protocol and being pushed with interventions that were unnecessary and not wanted by the mom in labor. I think that American women have become so fearful of labor and birth that often they just go along with whatever they are told... in hopes of something that can make the pain go away.
But I guess I can't say much since I have not yet had a baby... but I intend of studying this further to be prepared for when my time comes.
Okay... I will get off my soapbox... for a moment. But if anyone is interested in figuring out why I am so consumed with this topic, go to You will be amazed.
I wonder if I would be a good midwife.