Tuesday, March 2, 2010

When will it be my turn?

When will it be my turn? I'm tired of finding out that everyone else is pregnant and I'm still waiting. *sigh*
Please, God... let it be my turn soon.


MrsKristinClark said...

Oh, big hug friend. I know JUST how you feel. And God giggles at us and says, "Ladies, remember I have a plan here! And it is better than yours, I PROMISE!"

Tonya said...

It will be! I can't even begin to count how many times I said those exact same words. And we always hear...."in His time." So true....yet, so hard to deal with. Love you! It's going to happen!

Jessi Wallace | LifeAbundant-Blog.com said...

(hugs, hugs and more hugs) I'm so sorry. I know EXACTLY how you feel and uttered those same words for almost a year, which felt like an eternity, before we got pregnant. Have you talked more to your doctor about it?? Maybe it's time for more aggressive measures...

shontel said...

Well, not including the miscarriage, we've been officially trying for a year now. I think I want to wait on God a little while longer before I include more agressive measures... I have some friends that tried for YEARS and exhausted all measures. Then they decided to just trust God with it for one month... that month they got pregnant! I try to remind myself that when I get discouraged.

Jessi Wallace | LifeAbundant-Blog.com said...

I understand. Well, when the time comes to pursue more aggressively, God will line everything up for you perfectly. I mean, for us, our insurance supposedly didn't cover fertility treatment, yet for some reason we barely paid anything for everything we had to do... somehow it always got covered and we paid minimum when really we would have had to pay out the wazoo. Prayer definitely does change everything. Once we went to pastor David and asked for him to pray over us at church one Sunday during alter call, we got pregnant. I'll be praying for you guys. God will fill the hole in your life in good time!