Saturday, September 5, 2009

God is still in control...

I was pregnant 24 hours ago. Now I am not.

God is still in control.

I was able to see the "little bean" on the ultrasound screen yesterday. Today it was not there.

God is still in control.

I am sad. My heart hurts. I miss the baby.

God is still in control.

Andy is sad, too. He wanted to be a daddy.

God is still in control.

God knows my heart. He knows how I hurt. He knows my dreams to be a mommy.

He is still in control... He holds my tears.


jill said...

Lifting you and Andy up in prayer. Know that you are in my heart.

Tonya said...

I love you dear. I love Andy as well. My heart aches for you. It brings back the pain that I felt just 9 months ago. I would be getting ready to deliver at any day now. But you are right!...God IS in control. I am praying for peace, understanding, & comfort in these days to come. You WILL get through this by the grace & mercy of God. Oh, how He loves us!

Jessi Wallace said...

Praying for you guys.