Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Random thoughts...

It's a cold night so I'm making chili. But I'm honestly not hungry... already had some serious snack time today. (Chips and homemade salsa... yum.)

I've been thinking today that it really does not matter how much money you make, what job you have, what education you have... in the end, the most important things are: do you love Jesus? do you do your best for your family? do you work hard at whatever the Lord gives you? I think that is how we should gauge our importance... and CERTAINLY NOT in our weight or dress size. Just a thought.

On a very unprofessional note, I'm hoping an ice storm really does blow through Nashville... nothing severe, just enough so that I do not have to go to work tomorrow.

The word "adoption" has been frequent in our home lately. It has been almost 2 years since we decided to try for a baby. Maybe the child God has for us won't be biological. I still long for the pregnancy experience. I honestly want to experience birth. I know, I know. I must be crazy, right? But I know this is all in the Lord's hands. I have no choice but to trust Him with it.

I made a bow to put in my Daisy pug's fur. She does NOT like it. I have to attach it with Caro syrup. *giggle*

Andy is playing Nintendo... the original 8-bit Nintendo... Zelda to be exact. I think it's cute. He reverts to the days of childhood and sick days off from school.

Christmas is coming. I am still SO not ready. If I would only quit procrastinating on my projects. Maybe I wouldn't have to stay up late on Christmas Eve again sewing like I did a few years ago making a quilt for my mom... at least I can say that she loves it. It was worth the effort.

Have not sent out Christmas cards yet. I'm sad about that. I wanted to send out a "family" picture with Andy, me, and the pugs... but it's really hard to get a picture of us all since there is no one to take the picture. Was going to get professional pictures done, but with the budget tight right now, we just couldn't afford it. Oh well.


Tonya said...

I think you should share your recipes on here. You could start with the home made salsa and chili. :)

shontel said...

I cannot give away my SECRET recipes!! Just kidding.
I remember when I was a kid, every time my dad would cook, he would be using a "secret recipe" or "secret ingredient"... he always wanted us to wonder. *smile*